Uses of Class

Packages that use Interp

Uses of Interp in tcl.lang

Fields in tcl.lang declared as Interp
 Interp Namespace.interp
          The interpreter containing this namespace.

Methods in tcl.lang with parameters of type Interp
static void TclList.append(Interp interp, TclObject tobj, TclObject elemObj)
          Tcl_ListObjAppendElement -> TclList.append() Appends a TclObject element to a list object.
static void TclList.append(Interp interp, TclObject tobj, TclObject[] objv, int startIdx, int endIdx)
          TclList.append() Appends multiple TclObject elements to a list object.
static void Util.appendElement(Interp interp, StringBuffer sbuf, String s)
          appendElement -- Append a string to the string buffer.
static void Namespace.appendExportList(Interp interp, Namespace namespace, TclObject obj)
          Appends onto the argument object the list of export patterns for the specified namespace.
static void Var.AppendLocals(Interp interp, TclObject list, String pattern, boolean includeLinks)
static void TclDict.appendToKey(Interp interp, TclObject dict, TclObject key, TclObject[] objv, int start, int end)
          Appends the given strings to the given key in the given dictionary object.
static void TclLambda.apply(Interp interp, TclObject lambdaExpr, TclObject[] args)
static String Var.callTraces(Interp interp, Var array, Var var, String part1, String part2, int flags)
          CallTraces -> callTraces This procedure is invoked to find and invoke relevant trace procedures associated with a particular operation on a variable.
static String Util.checkBadOctal(Interp interp, String value)
 void TclParserExtension.cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] objv)
 void TclParser.cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] objv)
 void Procedure.cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] argv)
 void Command.cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] objv)
          This method implements the functionality of the command.
static Regex TclRegexp.compile(Interp interp, TclObject exp, String str)
static TclObject TclList.copy(Interp interp, TclObject list)
          copy (TclListObjCopy) -- Makes a "pure list" copy of a list value.
static Namespace Namespace.createNamespace(Interp interp, String name, Namespace.DeleteProc deleteProc)
          Creates a new namespace with the given name.
static String TclByteArray.decodeToString(Interp interp, TclObject tobj, String tclEncoding)
          Interpret the bytes in the byte array according to the specified tcl encoding and return the corresponding string.
protected static void Var.deleteArray(Interp interp, String arrayName, Var var, int flags)
          DeleteArray -> deleteArray This procedure is called to free up everything in an array variable.
protected static void Var.deleteVar(Interp interp, Var var, int flags)
          deleteVar This procedure is called to recycle all the storage space associated with a single Var instance.
static void Var.deleteVars(Interp interp, HashMap table)
          TclDeleteVars -> deleteVars This procedure is called to recycle all the storage space associated with a table of variables.
protected static void Var.deleteVars(Interp interp, Var[] compiledLocals)
          // FIXME: Make more like TclDeleteCompiledLocalVars() TclDeleteVars -> deleteVars This procedure is called to recycle all the storage space associated with an array of variables.
 void AssocData.disposeAssocData(Interp interp)
          This method is called when the interpreter is destroyed or when Interp.deleteAssocData is called on a registered AssocData instance.
static String FileUtil.doTildeSubst(Interp interp, String user)
          Given a string following a tilde, this routine returns the corresponding home directory.
static void Expression.evalBinaryOperator(Interp interp, int operator, ExprValue value, ExprValue value2)
 boolean Expression.evalBoolean(Interp interp, String string)
          Evaluate an Tcl expression.
 void Expression.evalMathFunction(Interp interp, String funcName, ExprValue[] values, boolean releaseValues, ExprValue result)
          This procedure will lookup and invoke a math function given the name of the function and an array of ExprValue arguments.
 void Expression.evalSetResult(Interp interp, String string)
          Evaluate a Tcl expression and set the interp result to the value.
static void Expression.evalUnaryOperator(Interp interp, int operator, ExprValue value)
static void Namespace.exportList(Interp interp, Namespace namespace, String pattern, boolean resetListFirst)
          Makes all the commands matching a pattern available to later be imported from the namespace specified by namespace (or the current namespace if namespace is null).
static void Expression.ExprParseObject(Interp interp, TclObject obj, ExprValue value)
          Given a TclObject, such as the result of a command or variable evaluation, fill in a ExprValue with the parsed result.
static void Expression.ExprParseString(Interp interp, TclObject obj, ExprValue value)
          TclParseNumber -> ExprParseString Given a TclObject that contains a String to be parsed (from a command or variable subst), fill in an ExprValue based on the string's numeric value.
static WrappedCommand Namespace.findCommand(Interp interp, String name, Namespace contextNs, int flags)
          Tcl_FindCommand -> findCommand Searches for a command.
static boolean Util.findElement(Interp interp, String s, int i, int len, tcl.lang.FindElemResult fer)
          findElement -- Given a String that contains a Tcl list, locate the first (or next) element in the list.
static Namespace Namespace.findNamespace(Interp interp, String name, Namespace contextNs, int flags)
          Searches for a namespace.
static Var Namespace.findNamespaceVar(Interp interp, String name, Namespace contextNs, int flags)
static Procedure Procedure.findProc(Interp interp, String procName)
static void TclIO.flushAllOpenChannels(Interp interp)
          Call flush() for each currently registered open channel, ignoring exceptions.
static Object TclDict.foreach(Interp interp, Object accum, TclObject dict, TclDict.Visitor body)
          An internal iterator methods for traversing the elements of a Tcl dictionary object.
static void Namespace.forgetImport(Interp interp, Namespace namespace, String pattern)
          Deletes previously imported commands.
static boolean TclBoolean.get(Interp interp, TclObject tobj)
          Returns the value of the object as an boolean.
static double TclDouble.get(Interp interp, TclObject tobj)
static int TclInteger.get(Interp interp, TclObject tobj)
static int TclIndex.get(Interp interp, TclObject tobj, String[] table, String msg, int flags)
          Tcl_GetIndexFromObj -> get Gets the index into the table of the object.
static TclObject TclDict.get(Interp interp, TclObject dict, TclObject key)
static boolean Util.getBoolean(Interp interp, String string)
          getBoolean -- Given a string, return a boolean value corresponding to the string.
 boolean ExprValue.getBooleanValue(Interp interp)
static byte[] TclByteArray.getBytes(Interp interp, TclObject tobj)
          Returns the bytes of a ByteArray object.
static Channel TclIO.getChannel(Interp interp, String chanName)
          Return a registered Channel object, given its name.
static void TclIO.getChannelNames(Interp interp, TclObject pattern)
          Put all the channel names into the interpreter's result, as a list
static Namespace Namespace.getCurrentNamespace(Interp interp)
          Returns a reference to an interpreter's currently active namespace.
static double Util.getDouble(Interp interp, String s)
          getDouble -- Converts an ASCII string to a double.
static TclObject[] TclList.getElements(Interp interp, TclObject tobj)
          Returns a TclObject array of the elements in a list object.
static ArrayList TclList.getElementsList(Interp interp, TclObject tobj)
          Returns an ArrayList of TclObject elements in a list object.
static int CallFrame.getFrame(Interp interp, String string, CallFrame[] frameArr)
          Tcl_GetFrame -> getFrame Given a description of a procedure frame, such as the first argument to an "uplevel" or "upvar" command, locate the call frame for the appropriate level of procedure.
static Namespace Namespace.getGlobalNamespace(Interp interp)
          Returns a reference to an interpreter's global :: namespace.
 TclObject Regex.getInfo(Interp interp)
          Returns a list containing information about the regular expression.
static long Util.getInt(Interp interp, String s)
          Converts an ASCII string to an integer.
static int TclInteger.getInt(Interp interp, TclObject tobj)
          Tcl_GetIntFromObj -> TclInteger.getValue Returns the integer value of the object as a Java int.
static int Util.getIntForIndex(Interp interp, TclObject tobj, int endValue)
          TclGetIntForIndex -> Util.getIntForIndex This procedure returns an integer corresponding to the list index held in a Tcl object.
static int TclList.getLength(Interp interp, TclObject tobj)
          Queries the length of the list.
static int TclByteArray.getLength(Interp interp, TclObject tobj)
          Queries the length of the byte array.
static long TclInteger.getLong(Interp interp, TclObject tobj)
          Tcl_GetIntFromObj -> TclInteger.getValue Returns the integer value of the object as a Java long.
static void Namespace.getNamespaceForQualName(Interp interp, String qualName, Namespace cxtNs, int flags, Namespace.GetNamespaceForQualNameResult gnfqnr)
static File FileUtil.getNewFileObj(Interp interp, String fileName)
static String TclIO.getNextDescriptor(Interp interp, String prefix)
          Given a prefix for a channel name (such as "file") returns the next available channel name (such as "file5").
static TclObject FileUtil.getNormalizedPath(Interp interp, TclObject pathObj)
          This important function attempts to extract from the given TclObject a unique normalized path representation, whose string value can be used as a unique identifier for the file.
static ArrayList Var.getTraces(Interp interp, String part1, String part2, int flags)
          Tcl_VarTraceInfo2 -> getTraces
static TclObject Var.getVar(Interp interp, String part1, String part2, int flags)
          Tcl_GetVar2Ex -> getVar Query the value of a variable, given a two-part name consisting of array name and element within array.
static TclObject Var.getVarCompiledLocalArray(Interp interp, String varname, String key, Var resolved, boolean leaveErrMsg)
static TclObject Var.getVarCompiledLocalArrayInvalid(Interp interp, String varname, String key)
static TclObject Var.getVarCompiledLocalScalarInvalid(Interp interp, String varname)
static String Var.getVariableFullName(Interp interp, Var var)
static long Util.getWideInt(Interp interp, String str)
          Converts an ASCII string to a wide integer.
static void TclIO.giveChannel(Interp master, Interp slave, String chanName, boolean removeFromMaster)
          Give a channel to another interpreter, in exactly the same form it exists in the master
static TclObject[] Parser.grabObjv(Interp interp, int size)
static void Namespace.importList(Interp interp, Namespace namespace, String pattern, boolean allowOverwrite)
          Imports all of the commands matching a pattern into the namespace specified by namespace (or the current namespace if namespace is null).
static void TclInteger.incr(Interp interp, TclObject tobj, long incrAmount)
          Increments the integer value of the object by the given amount.
static TclObject Var.incrVar(Interp interp, String part1, String part2, long incrAmount, int flags)
          TclIncrVar2 -> incrVar Given a two-part variable name, which may refer either to a scalar variable or an element of an array, increment the Tcl object value of the variable by a specified amount.
static TclObject TclList.index(Interp interp, TclObject tobj, int index)
          This procedure returns a pointer to the index'th object from the list referenced by tobj.
 void TclParserExtension.init(Interp interp)
abstract  void Extension.init(Interp interp)
          Initialize the Extension to run in a normal (unsafe) interpreter.
static TclObject Var.initVarCompiledLocalArray(Interp interp, String varname, String key, TclObject newValue, Var[] compiledLocals, int localIndex)
static TclObject Var.initVarCompiledLocalScalar(Interp interp, String varname, TclObject newValue, Var[] compiledLocals, int localIndex)
static void TclList.insert(Interp interp, TclObject tobj, int index, TclObject[] elements, int from, int to)
          This procedure inserts the elements in elements[] into the list at the given index.
static void Expression.IntegerTooLarge(Interp interp)
 void WrappedCommand.invoke(Interp interp, TclObject[] objv)
          Call cmd.cmdProc after calling execution traces on this command, and call execution traces after this command exits.
static boolean TclInteger.isWithinIntRange(Interp interp, TclObject tobj)
          Tests whether TclInteger.getInt() will return a valid Java int value
static boolean TclInteger.isWithinLongRange(Interp interp, TclObject tobj)
          Tests whether TclInteger.getLong() will return a valid Java long value
static String FileUtil.joinPath(Interp interp, TclObject[] argv, int startIndex, int endIndex)
          Combine a list of pathes into one path.
static void Extension.loadOnDemand(Interp interp, String cmdName, String clsName)
          Create a stub command which autoloads the real command the first time the stub command is invoked.
static void Parser.logCommandInfo(Interp interp, char[] script_array, int script_index, int cmdIndex, int length, TclException e)
          This procedure is invoked after an error occurs in an interpreter.
static Var[] Var.lookupVar(Interp interp, String part1, String part2, int flags, String msg, boolean createPart1, boolean createPart2)
          TclLookupVar -> lookupVar This procedure is used by virtually all of the variable code to locate a variable given its name(s).
static void TclList.lsetElement(Interp interp, TclObject list, int index, TclObject value)
          TclListObjSetElement -- Set a single element of a list to a specified value in place (LsetCmd) Side effects: Tcl_Panic if listPtr designates a shared object.
static void Var.makeUpvar(Interp interp, CallFrame frame, String otherP1, String otherP2, int otherFlags, String myName, int myFlags, int localIndex)
          MakeUpvar -> makeUpvar Create a reference of a variable in otherFrame in the current CallFrame, given a two-part name consisting of array name and element within array.
 boolean WrappedCommand.mustCallInvoke(Interp interp)
static ParseResult Parser.parseVar(Interp interp, String string)
static void Namespace.popCallFrame(Interp interp)
 void Interp.preventAliasLoop(Interp cmdInterp, WrappedCommand cmd)
          TclPreventAliasLoop -> preventAliasLoop When defining an alias or renaming a command, prevent an alias loop from being formed.
static void Namespace.pushCallFrame(Interp interp, CallFrame frame, Namespace namespace, boolean isProcCallFrame)
static void TclDict.put(Interp interp, TclObject dict, TclObject key, TclObject value)
static void TclDict.putKeyList(Interp interp, TclObject dict, TclObject[] keys, int start, int length, TclObject value)
static boolean Util.regExpMatch(Interp interp, String string, TclObject pattern)
          regExpMatch -- See if a string matches a regular expression.
static void TclIO.registerChannel(Interp interp, Channel chan)
          Register a channel in this interpreter's channel table.
static void Parser.releaseObjv(Interp interp, TclObject[] objv, int size)
static void TclDict.remove(Interp interp, TclObject dict, TclObject key)
static void TclDict.removeKeyList(Interp interp, TclObject dict, TclObject[] keys, int start, int length)
static void TclList.replace(Interp interp, TclObject tobj, int index, int count, TclObject[] elements, int from, int to)
          This procedure replaces zero or more elements of the list referenced by tobj with the objects from an TclObject array.
 WrappedCommand Resolver.resolveCmd(Interp interp, String name, Namespace context, int flags)
 Var Resolver.resolveVar(Interp interp, String name, Namespace context, int flags)
 void TclParserExtension.safeInit(Interp safeInterp)
 void Extension.safeInit(Interp safeInterp)
          Initialize the Extension to run in a safe interpreter.
static int Util.scanElement(Interp interp, String string)
          Tcl_ScanElement -> scanElement This procedure is a companion procedure to convertElement.
static void TclList.setElement(Interp interp, TclObject list, int index, TclObject value)
          TclListObjSetElement -- Set a single element of a list to a specified value Side effects: Tcl_Panic if listPtr designates a shared object.
static byte[] TclByteArray.setLength(Interp interp, TclObject tobj, int length)
          This method changes the length of the byte array for this object.
static TclObject Var.setVar(Interp interp, String part1, String part2, TclObject newValue, int flags)
          Tcl_SetVar2Ex -> setVar Given a two-part variable name, which may refer either to a scalar variable or an element of an array, change the value of the variable to a new Tcl object value.
static TclObject Var.setVarCompiledLocalArray(Interp interp, String varname, String key, TclObject newValue, Var resolved)
static TclObject Var.setVarCompiledLocalArrayInvalid(Interp interp, String varname, String key, TclObject newValue)
static TclObject Var.setVarCompiledLocalScalarInvalid(Interp interp, String varname, TclObject newValue)
static int TclDict.size(Interp interp, TclObject dict)
static void TclList.sort(Interp interp, TclObject tobj, int sortMode, int sortIndex, boolean sortIncreasing, boolean unique, String command)
          Sorts the list according to the sort mode and (optional) sort command.
static TclObject FileUtil.splitAndTranslate(Interp interp, String path)
          Split the path.
static TclObject FileUtil.splitPath(Interp interp, String path)
          Turn one path into a list of components.
 void ExecutionTrace.trace(Interp interp, int type, String commandString, int resultCode, TclObject result)
          Call the callback function for this ExecutionTrace if it matches type.
 void CommandTrace.trace(Interp interp, int type, String oldname, String newname)
          Call the callback function for this CommandTrace if it matches type.
 TclObject WrappedCommand.traceCommandInfo(Interp interp)
          Get a list of all command traces on this command
 TclObject WrappedCommand.traceExecutionInfo(Interp interp)
          Get a list of all execution traces on this command
 void VarTrace.traceProc(Interp interp, String part1, String part2, int flags)
          This function gets called when a variable is accessed.
static void Var.traceVar(Interp interp, String part1, String part2, int flags, VarTrace proc)
          Tcl_TraceVar2 -> traceVar Trace a variable, given a two-part name consisting of array name and element within array.
 void Interp.transferResult(Interp sourceInterp, int result)
          Copy the result (and error information) from one interp to another.
static String FileUtil.translateFileName(Interp interp, String path)
          If the path starts with a tilde, do tilde substitution on the first component and join it with the remainder of the path.
static void TclIO.unregisterChannel(Interp interp, Channel chan)
          Unregister a channel and it's FileEventScripts in this interpreter's channel table, and call close() on that channel.
static void Var.untraceVar(Interp interp, String part1, String part2, int flags, VarTrace proc)
          Tcl_UntraceVar2 -> untraceVar Untrace a variable, given a two-part name consisting of array name and element within array.
 Object TclDict.Visitor.visit(Interp interp, Object accum, TclObject key, TclObject value)
          Called for each element in a TclDict.

Constructors in tcl.lang with parameters of type Interp
CallFrame(Interp i)
          Creates a CallFrame for the global variables.
CommandTrace(Interp interp, int type, TclObject callbackCmd)
          Create a new CommandTrace
ConsoleThread(Interp i)
          Create a ConsoleThread.
ExecutionTrace(Interp interp, int type, TclObject callbackCmd)
          Create a new ExecutionTrace
Pipeline(Interp interp, TclObject[] objv, int startIndex)
          Create a Pipeline initialized with commands.
Procedure(Interp interp, Namespace ns, String name, TclObject args, TclObject b, String sFileName, int sLineNumber)
TclClassLoader(Interp interp, TclObject pathList, ClassLoader parent)
TclException(Interp interp, String msg)
          Create an TclException with the given error message.
TclException(Interp interp, String msg, int ccode)
          Create an TclException with the given error message and completion code.
TclException(Interp interp, String msg, int ccode, int idx)
          Create an TclException with the given error message and completion code and indicate the location of the error in a script.
TclInterruptedException(Interp interp)
TclNumArgsException(Interp interp, int argc, TclObject[] argv, String message)
          Creates a TclException with the appropiate Tcl error message for having the wring number of arguments to a Tcl command.
TclPosixException(Interp interp, int errno, boolean appendPosixMsg, String errorMsg)
          Creates a TclException with the appropiate Tcl error message for posix error, and sets the interp's error code to a 3 element list (eg.
TclPosixException(Interp interp, int errno, String errorMsg)
          Creates a TclException with the appropiate Tcl error message for posix error, and sets the interp's error code to a 3 element list (eg.
TclPosixException(Interp interp, IOException ioException, boolean appendPosixMsg, String errorMessage)
          Construct a TclPosixException from a Java IOException
TclVarException(Interp interp, String name1, String name2, String operation, String reason)
          Creates an exception with the appropiate Tcl error message to indicate an error with variable access.

Uses of Interp in

Methods in with parameters of type Interp
protected  void Channel.checkRead(Interp interp)
          Tests if this Channel was opened for reading
protected  void Channel.checkWrite(Interp interp)
          Tests if this Channel was opened for writing
static void FileEventScript.dispose(Interp interp, Channel channel, int type)
          Remove a FileEventScript, and hence all FileEvents, if it exists
 void FileEventScript.disposeAssocData(Interp interp)
static FileEventScript FileEventScript.find(Interp interp, Channel channel, int type)
          Find a FileEventScript if it exists
 void Channel.flush(Interp interp)
          Flush the Channel.
 TclObject ServerSocketChannel.getError(Interp interp)
abstract  TclObject AbstractSocketChannel.getError(Interp interp)
          This option gets the current error status of the given socket.
 TclObject SocketChannel.getError(Interp interp)
 TclObject AbstractSocketChannel.getPeerName(Interp interp)
          This method returns a list of three elements; these are the address, the host name and the port to which the peer socket is connected or bound.
 TclObject AbstractSocketChannel.getSockName(Interp interp)
          This option returns a list of three elements, the address, the host name and the port number for the socket.
 boolean Channel.isBlocked(Interp interp)
          Tests if last read was incomplete due to a blocked channel
 String interp, String fileName, int modeFlags)
          Open a resource with the read/write permissions determined by modeFlags.
 String interp, String execString, int modeFlags)
          Open a new pipeline channel
 String interp, String fileName, int modeFlags)
          Open a file with the read/write permissions determined by modeFlags.
static void FileEvent.queueFileEvent(Interp interp, Channel channel, int type)
          Create a new FileEvent and add it to the TclEvent queue.
 int interp, TclObject tobj, int readType, int numBytes)
          Tcl_ReadChars -> read Read data from this Channel into the given TclObject.
static void FileEventScript.register(Interp interp, Channel channel, int type, TclObject script)
          Create a FileEventScript, and register it in the interpreter, and queue the first FileEvent
 void interp, long offset, int mode)
          Move the current file pointer.
 void interp, long offset, int mode)
          Override to provide specific errors for server socket.
 void interp, long offset, int mode)
          Move the current file pointer.
 void Channel.write(Interp interp, String outStr)
          Tcl_WriteChars -> write Write string data to the Channel.
 void Channel.write(Interp interp, TclObject outData)
          Tcl_WriteObj -> write Write data to the Channel

Constructors in with parameters of type Interp
Fcopy(Interp interp, Channel source, Channel destination, long size, String callback)
          Create a new Fcopy object.
ReadInputStreamChannel(Interp interp, InputStream in_stream)
          Constructor - creates a new ReadInputStreamChannel object that will read from the passed in InputStream.
ServerSocketChannel(Interp interp, String localAddr, int port, TclObject callback)
          Creates a new ServerSocketChannel object with the given options.
SocketChannel(Interp interp, int mode, String localAddr, int localPort, boolean async, String address, int port)
          Constructor - creates a new SocketChannel object with the given options.
SocketChannel(Interp interp, Socket s)
          Constructor for making SocketChannel objects from connections made to a ServerSocket.
SocketConnectionEvent(Interp interp, TclObject callbackObj, Socket sock, ServerSocket serverSock)
          Create a new event to process a new socket connection
TclByteArrayChannel(Interp interp)
          Construct a TclByteArrayChannel that writes to a TclObject.
TclByteArrayChannel(Interp interp, TclObject object)
          Construct a TclByteArrayChannel that reads from a TclObject.

Uses of Interp in tcl.lang.cmd

Methods in tcl.lang.cmd with parameters of type Interp
 void LassignCmd.cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] argv)
 void ScanCmd.cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] objv)
          This procedure is invoked to process the "scan" Tcl command.
 void LsetCmd.cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] objv)
          This procedure is invoked to process the "lset" Tcl command.
 void InterpCmd.cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] objv)
          ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Tcl_InterpObjCmd -> cmdProc This procedure is invoked as part of the Command interface to process the "interp" Tcl command.
 void SwitchCmd.cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] objv)
 void IfCmd.cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] objv)
 void ExitCmd.cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] argv)
          See Tcl user documentation for details.
 void LreplaceCmd.cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] argv)
          See Tcl user documentation for details.
 void InterpAliasCmd.cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] argv)
          This is the procedure that services invocations of aliases in a slave interpreter.
 void PackageCmd.cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] objv)
 void LinsertCmd.cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] argv)
          See Tcl user documentation for details.
 void BinaryCmd.cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] argv)
          This procedure is invoked as part of the Command interface to process the "binary" Tcl command.
 void ArrayCmd.cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] objv)
          This procedure is invoked to process the "array" Tcl command.
 void LindexCmd.cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] objv)
 void EvalCmd.cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] objv)
          This procedure is invoked to process the "eval" Tcl command.
 void JoinCmd.cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] argv)
          See Tcl user documentation for details.
 void VwaitCmd.cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] argv)
 void SourceCmd.cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] argv)
          cmdProc -- This cmdProc is invoked to process the "source" Tcl command.
 void ReadCmd.cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] argv)
          This procedure is invoked to process the "read" Tcl command.
 void SetCmd.cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] argv)
 void SeekCmd.cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] argv)
          This procedure is invoked to process the "seek" Tcl command.
 void ExecCmd.cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] argv)
          Invoked to process the "exec" Tcl command.
 void OpenCmd.cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] argv)
          This procedure is invoked to process the "open" Tcl command.
 void StringCmd.cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] objv)
          ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Tcl_StringObjCmd -> StringCmd.cmdProc This procedure is invoked to process the "string" Tcl command.
 void DictCmd.cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] objv)
          This procedure is invoked to process the "dict" Tcl command.
 void FblockedCmd.cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] argv)
          This procedure is invoked to process the "fblocked" Tcl command.
 void FlushCmd.cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] argv)
          This procedure is invoked to process the "flush" Tcl command.
 void FormatCmd.cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] argv)
          This procedure is invoked to process the "format" Tcl command.
 void BreakCmd.cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] argv)
          This procedure is invoked to process the "break" Tcl command.
 void FileeventCmd.cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] objv)
 void InfoCmd.cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] objv)
          Tcl_InfoObjCmd -> InfoCmd.cmdProc This procedure is invoked to process the "info" Tcl command.
 void UnsetCmd.cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] objv)
          Tcl_UnsetObjCmd -> UnsetCmd.cmdProc Unsets Tcl variable (s).
 void AfterCmd.cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] argv)
          This procedure is invoked as part of the Command interface to process the "after" Tcl command.
 void LsearchCmd.cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] objv)
          This procedure is invoked to process the "lsearch" Tcl command.
 void GlobCmd.cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] argv)
          invoked to process the "glob" Tcl command.
 void SplitCmd.cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] objv)
          This procedure is invoked to process the "split" Tcl command.
 void UpvarCmd.cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] objv)
          Tcl_UpvarObjCmd -> UpvarCmd.cmdProc This procedure is invoked to process the "upvar" Tcl command.
 void LsortCmd.cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] argv)
 void ReturnCmd.cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] argv)
 void AppendCmd.cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] objv)
 void VariableCmd.cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] objv)
 void FileCmd.cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] argv)
          This procedure is invoked to process the "file" Tcl command.
 void ExprCmd.cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] argv)
          Evaluates a Tcl expression.
 void NamespaceCmd.cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] objv)
 void SocketCmd.cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] argv)
          This procedure is invoked to process the "socket" Tcl command.
 void UplevelCmd.cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] objv)
 void CdCmd.cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] argv)
 void PutsCmd.cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] argv)
          Prints the given string to a channel.
 void LrepeatCmd.cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] argv)
 void GetsCmd.cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] argv)
          This procedure is invoked to process the "gets" Tcl command.
 void PidCmd.cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] objv)
 void InterpSlaveCmd.cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] objv)
          Command to manipulate an interpreter, e.g.
 void LlengthCmd.cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] argv)
          See Tcl user documentation for details.
 void RegexpCmd.cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] objv)
 void LrangeCmd.cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] argv)
          See Tcl user documentation for details.
 void SubstCmd.cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] argv)
          This method is invoked to process the "subst" Tcl command.
 void FcopyCmd.cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] objv)
 void CatchCmd.cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] argv)
          This procedure is invoked to process the "catch" Tcl command.
 void EncodingCmd.cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] objv)
          This procedure is invoked to process the "encoding" Tcl command.
 void LreverseCmd.cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] argv)
 void PwdCmd.cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] argv)
 void TellCmd.cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] argv)
          This procedure is invoked to process the "tell" Tcl command.
 void IncrCmd.cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] objv)
          This procedure is invoked to process the "incr" Tcl command.
 void TimeCmd.cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] argv)
          See Tcl user documentation for details.
 void ConcatCmd.cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] argv)
          See Tcl user documentation for details.
 void UpdateCmd.cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] argv)
 void ErrorCmd.cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] argv)
          This procedure is invoked as part of the Command interface to process the "error" Tcl command.
 void LappendCmd.cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] objv)
          Tcl_LappendObjCmd -> LappendCmd.cmdProc This procedure is invoked to process the "lappend" Tcl command.
 void TraceCmd.cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] objv)
          This procedure is invoked as part of the Command interface to process the "trace" Tcl command.
 void EofCmd.cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] argv)
          This procedure is invoked to process the "eof" Tcl command.
 void ClockCmd.cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] objv)
          ---------------------------------------------------------------------- cmdProc -- This procedure is invoked as part of the Command interface to process the "clock" Tcl command.
 void CloseCmd.cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] argv)
          This procedure is invoked to process the "close" Tcl command.
 void CaseCmd.cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] argv)
          Executes a "case" statement.
 void WhileCmd.cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] argv)
          This procedure is invoked to process the "while" Tcl command.
 void ForeachCmd.cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] objv)
          Tcl_ForeachObjCmd -> ForeachCmd.cmdProc This procedure is invoked to process the "foreach" Tcl command.
 void FconfigureCmd.cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] argv)
          This procedure is invoked to process the "fconfigure" Tcl command.
 void GlobalCmd.cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] objv)
          See Tcl user documentation for details.
 void ListCmd.cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] objv)
          See Tcl user documentation for details.
 void ContinueCmd.cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] argv)
          This procedure is invoked to process the "continue" Tcl command.
 void RegsubCmd.cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] objv)
 void ApplyCmd.cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] objv)
 void RenameCmd.cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] objv)
          ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Tcl_RenameObjCmd -> RenameCmd.cmdProc This procedure is invoked to process the "rename" Tcl command.
 void ProcCmd.cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] objv)
          Tcl_ProcObjCmd -> ProcCmd.cmdProc Creates a new Tcl procedure.
 void ForCmd.cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] argv)
 void InterpSlaveCmd.disposeAssocData(Interp interp)
          Invoked when an interpreter is being deleted.
static ProcCmd.FindCommandNamespaceResult ProcCmd.FindCommandNamespace(Interp interp, String fullName)
protected  TclObject RegexpCmd.getAboutCompileError(Interp interp)
          Returns a list for -about when a compile error occur.
static int SwitchCmd.getBodyOffset(Interp interp, TclObject[] switchObjv, int pbStart, String string, int mode)
 WrappedCommand InterpAliasCmd.getTargetCmd(Interp interp)
          helper function, that returns the WrappedCommand of the target command (i.e.
static void RegexpCmd.init(Interp interp)
static TclObject LappendCmd.lappendVar(Interp interp, String varName, TclObject[] values, int valuesInd)
          Append values to a list value
static void PackageCmd.pkgProvide(Interp interp, String pkgName, String version)
static String PackageCmd.pkgRequire(Interp interp, String pkgName, String version, boolean exact)
static TclObject LindexCmd.TclLindexList(Interp interp, TclObject list, TclObject[] objv, int argIndex)

Uses of Interp in tcl.lang.process

Fields in tcl.lang.process declared as Interp
protected  Interp TclProcess.interp
          The current interpreter

Methods in tcl.lang.process with parameters of type Interp
static TclProcess TclProcess.newInstance(Interp interp)
          Create a new platform-specific instance of a TclProcess subclass.

Uses of Interp in tcl.pkg.fleet

Methods in tcl.pkg.fleet with parameters of type Interp
 void FleetCmd.cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] argv)
 void FleetExt.init(Interp interp)

Constructors in tcl.pkg.fleet with parameters of type Interp
ArgOptions(Interp interp, TclObject[] argv, int start)

Uses of Interp in tcl.pkg.itcl

Methods in tcl.pkg.itcl with parameters of type Interp
static CallFrame ItclAccess.activateCallFrame(Interp interp, CallFrame frame)
static void ItclAccess.assignLocalVar(Interp interp, String name, TclObject val, CallFrame frame)
 void ItclExtension.cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] objv)
 void Methods.BodyCmd.cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] objv)
 void Methods.ConfigBodyCmd.cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] objv)
 void Methods.ExecMethod.cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] objv)
 void Methods.ExecProc.cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] objv)
static void ItclAccess.deleteVars(Interp interp, HashMap varTable)
static CallFrame ItclAccess.getCallFrame(Interp interp, int level)
static CallFrame ItclAccess.getVarFrame(Interp i)
 void ItclExtension.init(Interp interp)
static CallFrame ItclAccess.newCallFrame(Interp i)
static Procedure ItclAccess.newProcedure(Interp interp, Namespace ns, String name, TclObject args, TclObject b, String sFileName, int sLineNumber)

Uses of Interp in

Methods in with parameters of type Interp
 void UnsupportedJDetachCallCmd.cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] argv)
 void JavaEventCmd.cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] argv)
 void JavaInfoCmd.cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] argv)
 void JavaThrowCmd.cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] argv)
 void JavaBindCmd.cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] argv)
 void JavaLoadCmd.cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] argv)
 void JavaForCmd.cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] objv)
 void ReflectObject.cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] argv)
 void JavaCastCmd.cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] argv)
 void JavaPropCmd.cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] argv)
 void JavaImportCmd.cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] objv)
          This procedure is invoked to process the "java::import" Tcl comamnd.
 void JavaInstanceofCmd.cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] argv)
 void JavaNewCmd.cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] argv)
 void JavaTryCmd.cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] argv)
          ---------------------------------------------------------------------- cmdProc -- This procedure is invoked as part of the Command interface to process the "java::try" Tcl command.
 void JaclLoadJavaCmd.cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] argv)
 void JavaCallCmd.cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] argv)
 void JavaDefineClassCmd.cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] argv)
 void JavaFieldCmd.cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] argv)
 void JavaGetInterpCmd.cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] argv)
 void JavaIsNullCmd.cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] argv)
 void JavaNullCmd.cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] argv)
static void ReflectObject.dump(Interp interp)
static Object ReflectObject.get(Interp interp, TclObject tobj)
static Class ReflectObject.getClass(Interp interp, TclObject tobj)
static Class JavaInvoke.getClassByName(Interp interp, String clsName)
          Returns Class object identified by the string name.
static String JavaImportCmd.getImport(Interp interp, String name)
          This method is invoked can be invoked to query the import system to find the fully qualified name of a class.
 void BlendExtension.init(Interp interp)
static TclObject ReflectObject.newInstance(Interp interp, Class cl, Object obj)

Uses of Interp in tcl.pkg.tjc

Methods in tcl.pkg.tjc with parameters of type Interp
static TclObject TJC.appendVar(Interp interp, String varName, String key, TclObject[] values)
protected  TclObject TJC.CompiledCommand.appendVarArray(Interp interp, String varname, String key, TclObject[] values, Var[] compiledLocals, int localIndex)
protected  TclObject TJC.CompiledCommand.appendVarScalar(Interp interp, String varname, TclObject[] values, Var[] compiledLocals, int localIndex)
protected  void TJC.CompiledCommand.builtinCommandsCheck(Interp interp)
static void TJC.catchVarErr(Interp interp)
static void TJC.checkTclException(Interp interp, TclException e, String procName)
 void TJCCompileCmd.cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] objv)
 void TJCBench.cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] objv)
 void TJCCommandCmd.cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] objv)
 void TJCPackageCmd.cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] objv)
 void JaclLoadTJCCmd.cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] objv)
static void TJC.createCommand(Interp interp, String cmdName, TJC.CompiledCommand cmd)
static void TJC.evalProcBody(Interp interp, String body)
static void TJC.exprBinaryOperator(Interp interp, int op, ExprValue value, ExprValue value2)
static void TJC.exprDoubleMathFunction(Interp interp, ExprValue value)
static ExprValue TJC.exprGetValue(Interp interp)
static ExprValue TJC.exprGetValue(Interp interp, boolean bval)
static ExprValue TJC.exprGetValue(Interp interp, double dval, String srep)
static ExprValue TJC.exprGetValue(Interp interp, long ival, String srep)
static ExprValue TJC.exprGetValue(Interp interp, String srep)
static ExprValue TJC.exprGetValue(Interp interp, TclObject tobj)
static void TJC.exprInitValue(Interp interp, ExprValue value, TclObject tobj)
static void TJC.exprIntMathFunction(Interp interp, ExprValue value)
static void TJC.exprMathFunction(Interp interp, String funcName, ExprValue[] values, ExprValue result)
static void TJC.exprReleaseValue(Interp interp, ExprValue value)
static void TJC.exprSetResult(Interp interp, ExprValue value)
static void TJC.exprUnaryNotOperator(Interp interp, ExprValue value)
static void TJC.exprUnaryNotOperator(Interp interp, ExprValue value, TclObject tobj)
static void TJC.exprUnaryOperator(Interp interp, int op, ExprValue value)
static void TJC.foreachVarErr(Interp interp, String varname)
static boolean TJC.getBoolean(Interp interp, TclObject obj)
protected  TclObject TJC.CompiledCommand.getVarArray(Interp interp, String varname, String key, Var[] compiledLocals, int localIndex)
protected  TclObject TJC.CompiledCommand.getVarScalar(Interp interp, String varname, Var[] compiledLocals, int localIndex)
static TclObject[] TJC.grabObjv(Interp interp, int size)
static TclObject TJC.incrVar(Interp interp, String part1, String part2, long incrAmount)
          This method is invoked when a compiled incr command is inlined.
protected  TclObject TJC.CompiledCommand.incrVarArray(Interp interp, String varname, String key, long incrAmount, Var[] compiledLocals, int localIndex)
protected  TclObject TJC.CompiledCommand.incrVarScalar(Interp interp, String varname, long incrAmount, Var[] compiledLocals, int localIndex)
protected  void TJC.CompiledCommand.initCmd(Interp interp)
protected  void TJC.CompiledCommand.initConstants(Interp interp)
protected  void TJC.CompiledCommand.initVarScoped(Interp interp, String varname, Var[] compiledLocals, int localIndex)
static void TJC.invoke(Interp interp, Command cmd, TclObject[] objv, int flags)
static int TJC.invokeSwitch(Interp interp, TclObject[] pbObjv, int pbStart, String string, int mode)
static TclObject TJC.lappendVar(Interp interp, String varName, String key, TclObject[] values)
protected  TclObject TJC.CompiledCommand.lappendVarArray(Interp interp, String varname, String key, TclObject[] values, Var[] compiledLocals, int localIndex)
protected  TclObject TJC.CompiledCommand.lappendVarScalar(Interp interp, String varname, TclObject[] values, Var[] compiledLocals, int localIndex)
static void TJC.lindexNonconst(Interp interp, TclObject listObj, TclObject indexValue)
static void TJC.makeGlobalLinkVar(Interp interp, String varName, String varTail, int localIndex)
static void TJC.popLocalCallFrame(Interp interp, CallFrame frame)
static CallFrame TJC.pushLocalCallFrame(Interp interp, Namespace ns)
static void TJC.releaseObjv(Interp interp, TclObject[] objv, int size)
static void TJC.releaseObjvElems(Interp interp, TclObject[] objv, int size)
static WrappedCommand TJC.resolveCmd(Interp interp, String cmdName)
protected  TclObject TJC.CompiledCommand.setVarArray(Interp interp, String varname, String key, String value, Var[] compiledLocals, int localIndex)
protected  TclObject TJC.CompiledCommand.setVarArray(Interp interp, String varname, String key, TclObject value, Var[] compiledLocals, int localIndex)
protected  TclObject TJC.CompiledCommand.setVarScalar(Interp interp, String varname, String value, Var[] compiledLocals, int localIndex)
protected  TclObject TJC.CompiledCommand.setVarScalar(Interp interp, String varname, TclObject value, Var[] compiledLocals, int localIndex)
static void TJC.sourceInitFile(Interp interp, String init_file, String[] files, String prefix)
static TclObject TJC.stringFirst(Interp interp, String substr, String str, TclObject startObj)
static TclObject TJC.stringIndex(Interp interp, String str, TclObject indObj)
static TclObject TJC.stringLast(Interp interp, String substr, String str, TclObject lastObj)
static TclObject TJC.stringRange(Interp interp, String str, TclObject firstObj, TclObject lastObj)
static void TJC.switchStringIsNotOption(Interp interp, String str)

Constructors in tcl.pkg.tjc with parameters of type Interp
TJCReadyVar(Interp interp, String varname)

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