Package tcl.lang

Interface Summary
AssocData This interface is the API for registering named data objects in the Tcl interpreter.
Command The Command interface specifies the method that a new Tcl command must implement.
CommandWithDispose This interface is implemented by Commands that need to know when they are deleted from an interpreter.
EventDeleter This is the interface for deleting events in the notifier's event queue.
InternalRep This is the interface for implementing internal representation of Tcl objects.
Namespace.DeleteProc This interface is used to provide a callback when a namespace is deleted
Resolver The Resolver interface specifies the methods that a new Tcl resolver must implement.
TclDict.Visitor An interface to traverse (visit) each key-value pair in a Tcl dictionary object.
VarTrace This interface is used to make variable traces.

Class Summary
AppShell The AppShell class expects to load and execute a Tcl resource file by retrieving the JTcl-Main attribute from the manifest.
BackSlashResult Encapsulates the replacement for a backslash in the parser
CallFrame This class implements a frame in the call stack.
CharPointer Used in the Parser, this class implements the functionality of a C character pointer.
CommandTrace This CommandTrace class is used to trace command rename and deletion
ConsoleThread This class implements the Console Thread: it is started by tcl.lang.Shell if the user gives no initial script to evaluate, or when the -console option is specified.
ExecutionTrace This class is used to trace command execution
Expression This class handles Tcl expressions.
ExprValue Describes an expression value, which can be either an integer (the usual case), a double-precision floating-point value, or a string.
Extension Base class for all Tcl Extensions.
IdleHandler This abstract class is used to define idle handlers.
Interp Implements the core Tcl interpreter.
ManagedSystemInStream A class for managing the
Namespace This structure contains a cached pointer to a namespace that is the result of resolving the namespace's name in some other namespace.
NonInteractiveShell This class creates a Shell that has tcl_interactive set to 0.
Notifier Implements the Jacl version of the Notifier class.
Parser This class contains methods that parse Tcl scripts.
ParseResult This class stores a single word that's generated inside the Tcl parser inside the Interp class.
Pipeline This class encapsulates a pipeline of operating system commands
Procedure This class implements the body of a Tcl procedure.
QSort Sorts an array of TclObjects.
Regex The Regex class can be used to match a TCL-style regular expression against a string and optionally replace the matched parts with new strings.
SearchId SearchId is used only by the ArrayVar class.
Shell The Shell class is similar to the Tclsh program: you can use it to execute a Tcl script or enter Tcl command interactively at the command prompt.
StrtoulResult This class stores the result of the Util.strtoul() method.
TclBoolean This class implements the boolean object type in Tcl.
TclByteArray This class implements the binary data object type in Tcl.
TclClassLoader -- Implements the Class Loader for dynamically loading Tcl packages.
TclDict This class implements the dict object type in Tcl.
TclEvent This is an abstract class that describes an event in the Jacl implementation of the notifier.
TclInteger This class implements the integer object type in Tcl.
TclLambda Lambda internal rep.
TclList This class implements the list object type in Tcl.
TclObject This class extends TclObjectBase to implement the basic notion of an object in Tcl.
TimerHandler This abstract class is used to define timer handlers.
TraceRecord This class is used internally by CallFrame to store one variable trace.
WrappedCommand A Wrapped Command is like the Command struct defined in the C version in the file generic/tclInt.h.

Exception Summary
PackageNameException This exception is thrown by the TclClassLoader when an attempt to load a class from any package that starts with the java.* or tcl.* prefix is made.
TclException TclException is used to interrupt the Tcl script currently being interpreted by the Tcl Interpreter.
TclInterruptedException Signals that an interp has been interrupted via the Interp.setInterrupted() API.
TclNumArgsException This exception is used to report wrong number of arguments in Tcl scripts.
TclRuntimeError Signals that a unrecoverable run-time error in the interpreter.
TclVarException This exception is used to report variable errors in Tcl.

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