Interface Command

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AfterCmd, AppendCmd, ApplyCmd, ArrayCmd, BinaryCmd, BreakCmd, CaseCmd, CatchCmd, CdCmd, ClockCmd, CloseCmd, ConcatCmd, ContinueCmd, DictCmd, EncodingCmd, EofCmd, ErrorCmd, EvalCmd, ExecCmd, ExitCmd, ExprCmd, FblockedCmd, FconfigureCmd, FcopyCmd, FileCmd, FileeventCmd, FleetCmd, FlushCmd, ForCmd, ForeachCmd, FormatCmd, GetsCmd, GlobalCmd, GlobCmd, IfCmd, IncrCmd, InfoCmd, InterpAliasCmd, InterpCmd, InterpSlaveCmd, ItclExtension, JaclLoadJavaCmd, JaclLoadTJCCmd, JavaBindCmd, JavaCallCmd, JavaCastCmd, JavaDefineClassCmd, JavaEventCmd, JavaFieldCmd, JavaForCmd, JavaGetInterpCmd, JavaImportCmd, JavaInfoCmd, JavaInstanceofCmd, JavaIsNullCmd, JavaLoadCmd, JavaNewCmd, JavaNullCmd, JavaPropCmd, JavaThrowCmd, JavaTryCmd, JoinCmd, LappendCmd, LassignCmd, LindexCmd, LinsertCmd, ListCmd, LlengthCmd, LrangeCmd, LrepeatCmd, LreplaceCmd, LreverseCmd, LsearchCmd, LsetCmd, LsortCmd, Methods.BodyCmd, Methods.ConfigBodyCmd, Methods.ExecMethod, Methods.ExecProc, NamespaceCmd, OpenCmd, PackageCmd, PidCmd, ProcCmd, Procedure, PutsCmd, PwdCmd, ReadCmd, ReflectObject, RegexpCmd, RegsubCmd, RenameCmd, ReturnCmd, ScanCmd, SeekCmd, SetCmd, SocketCmd, SourceCmd, SplitCmd, StringCmd, SubstCmd, SwitchCmd, TclParser, TclParserExtension, TellCmd, TimeCmd, TJC.CompiledCommand, TJCBench, TJCCommandCmd, TJCCompileCmd, TJCPackageCmd, TraceCmd, UnsetCmd, UnsupportedJDetachCallCmd, UpdateCmd, UplevelCmd, UpvarCmd, VariableCmd, VwaitCmd, WhileCmd

public interface Command

The Command interface specifies the method that a new Tcl command must implement. See the createCommand method of the Interp class to see how to add a new command to an interperter.

Method Summary
 void cmdProc(Interp interp, TclObject[] objv)
          This method implements the functionality of the command.

Method Detail


void cmdProc(Interp interp,
             TclObject[] objv)
             throws TclException
This method implements the functionality of the command. However, calling it directly in application code will bypass execution traces. Instead, commands should be called with WrappedCommand.invoke

interp - The interpreter for setting the results and which contains the context
objv - the argument list for the command; objv[0[ is the command name itself
TclException - on any errors

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