Uses of Interface

Packages that use Command

Uses of Command in tcl.lang

Subinterfaces of Command in tcl.lang
 interface CommandWithDispose
          This interface is implemented by Commands that need to know when they are deleted from an interpreter.

Classes in tcl.lang that implement Command
 class Procedure
          This class implements the body of a Tcl procedure.
 class TclParser
 class TclParserExtension

Fields in tcl.lang declared as Command
 Command WrappedCommand.cmd
          The actual command interface that is being wrapped

Methods in tcl.lang that return Command
 Command Interp.getCommand(String cmdName)
          Returns the command procedure of the given command.

Methods in tcl.lang with parameters of type Command
 void Interp.createCommand(String cmdName, Command cmdImpl)
          Define a new command in the interpreter.

Uses of Command in tcl.lang.cmd

Classes in tcl.lang.cmd that implement Command
 class AfterCmd
 class AppendCmd
 class ApplyCmd
          Implementation of the [apply] command.
 class ArrayCmd
          This class implements the built-in "array" command in Tcl.
 class BinaryCmd
          This class implements the built-in "binary" command in Tcl.
 class BreakCmd
          This class implements the built-in "break" command in Tcl.
 class CaseCmd
          This class implements the built-in "case" command in Tcl.
 class CatchCmd
          This class implements the built-in "catch" command in Tcl.
 class CdCmd
 class ClockCmd
          This class implements the built-in "clock" command in Tcl.
 class CloseCmd
          This class implements the built-in "close" command in Tcl.
 class ConcatCmd
          This class implements the built-in "concat" command in Tcl.
 class ContinueCmd
          This class implements the built-in "continue" command in Tcl.
 class DictCmd
          This class implements the built-in "dict" command in Tcl.
 class EncodingCmd
          This class implements the built-in "encoding" command in Tcl.
 class EofCmd
          This class implements the built-in "eof" command in Tcl.
 class ErrorCmd
          This class implements the built-in "error" command in Tcl.
 class EvalCmd
          This class implements the built-in "eval" command in Tcl.
 class ExecCmd
          This class implements the built-in "exec" command in Tcl.
 class ExitCmd
          This class implements the built-in "exit" command in Tcl.
 class ExprCmd
          This class implements the built-in "expr" command in Tcl.
 class FblockedCmd
          This class implements the built-in "fblocked" command in Tcl.
 class FconfigureCmd
          This class implements the built-in "fconfigure" command in Tcl.
 class FcopyCmd
          This class implements the 'fcopy' Tcl command
 class FileCmd
          This class implements the built-in "file" command in Tcl.
 class FileeventCmd
          This class implements Tcl's 'fileevent' command.
 class FlushCmd
          This class implements the built-in "flush" command in Tcl.
 class ForCmd
          This class implements the built-in "for" command in Tcl.
 class ForeachCmd
          This class implements the built-in "Foreach" command in Tcl.
 class FormatCmd
          This class implements the built-in "format" command in Tcl.
 class GetsCmd
          This class implements the built-in "gets" command in Tcl.
 class GlobalCmd
          This class implements the built-in "global" command in Tcl.
 class GlobCmd
 class IfCmd
 class IncrCmd
          This class implements the built-in "incr" command in Tcl.
 class InfoCmd
          This class implements the built-in "info" command in Tcl.
 class InterpAliasCmd
          This class implements the alias commands, which are created in response to the built-in "interp alias" command in Tcl.
 class InterpCmd
          This class implements the built-in "interp" command in Tcl.
 class InterpSlaveCmd
          This class implements the slave interpreter commands, which are created in response to the built-in "interp create" command in Tcl.
 class JoinCmd
          This class implements the built-in "join" command in Tcl.
 class LappendCmd
          This class implements the built-in "lappend" command in Tcl.
 class LassignCmd
          This class implements the built-in "lassign" command in Tcl.
 class LindexCmd
 class LinsertCmd
          This class implements the built-in "linsert" command in Tcl.
 class ListCmd
          This class implements the built-in "list" command in Tcl.
 class LlengthCmd
          This class implements the built-in "llength" command in Tcl.
 class LrangeCmd
          This class implements the built-in "lrange" command in Tcl.
 class LrepeatCmd
          This class implements the built-in "lrepeat" command in Tcl.
 class LreplaceCmd
          This class implements the built-in "lreplace" command in Tcl.
 class LreverseCmd
          This class implements the built-in "lreverse" command in Tcl.
 class LsearchCmd
 class LsetCmd
          This class implements the built-in "lset" command in Tcl 8.4.19
 class LsortCmd
 class NamespaceCmd
          This class implements the built-in "namespace" command in Tcl.
 class OpenCmd
          This class implements the built-in "open" command in Tcl.
 class PackageCmd
 class PidCmd
          implement TCL 'pid' command.
 class ProcCmd
          This class implements the built-in "proc" command in Tcl.
 class PutsCmd
          This class implements the built-in "puts" command in Tcl.
 class PwdCmd
 class ReadCmd
          This class implements the built-in "read" command in Tcl.
 class RegexpCmd
          This class implements the built-in "regexp" command in Tcl.
 class RegsubCmd
          This class implements the built-in "regsub" command in Tcl.
 class RenameCmd
          This class implements the built-in "rename" command in Tcl.
 class ReturnCmd
 class ScanCmd
          This class implements the built-in "scan" command in Tcl.
 class SeekCmd
          This class implements the built-in "seek" command in Tcl.
 class SetCmd
 class SocketCmd
          This class implements the built-in "socket" command in Tcl.
 class SourceCmd
          This class implements the built-in "source" command in Tcl.
 class SplitCmd
          This class implements the built-in "split" command in Tcl.
 class StringCmd
          This class implements the built-in "string" command in Tcl.
 class SubstCmd
          This class implements the built-in "subst" command in Tcl.
 class SwitchCmd
          This class implements the built-in "switch" command in Tcl.
 class TellCmd
          This class implements the built-in "tell" command in Tcl.
 class TimeCmd
          This class implements the built-in "time" command in Tcl.
 class TraceCmd
          The TraceCmd class implements the Command interface for specifying a new Tcl command.
 class UnsetCmd
          This class implements the built-in "unset" command in Tcl.
 class UpdateCmd
 class UplevelCmd
 class UpvarCmd
          This class implements the built-in "upvar" command in Tcl.
 class VariableCmd
          This class implements the built-in "variable" command in Tcl.
 class VwaitCmd
 class WhileCmd
          This class implements the built-in "while" command in Tcl.

Uses of Command in tcl.pkg.fleet

Classes in tcl.pkg.fleet that implement Command
 class FleetCmd

Uses of Command in tcl.pkg.itcl

Classes in tcl.pkg.itcl that implement Command
 class ItclExtension
static class Methods.BodyCmd
static class Methods.ConfigBodyCmd
static class Methods.ExecMethod
static class Methods.ExecProc

Uses of Command in

Classes in that implement Command
 class JaclLoadJavaCmd
          This class implements a small helper function that is used to load the Java package into Jacl.
 class JavaBindCmd
          This class implements the built-in "java::bind" command in Tcl.
 class JavaCallCmd
 class JavaCastCmd
          Implements the built-in "java::cast" command.
 class JavaDefineClassCmd
 class JavaEventCmd
 class JavaFieldCmd
 class JavaForCmd
          This class implements the built-in "java::for" command.
 class JavaGetInterpCmd
 class JavaImportCmd
 class JavaInfoCmd
          This class implements the built-in "java::info" command in Tcl.
 class JavaInstanceofCmd
 class JavaIsNullCmd
 class JavaLoadCmd
 class JavaNewCmd
 class JavaNullCmd
          Implements the built-in "java::null" command.
 class JavaPropCmd
          This class implements the built-in "java::prop" command.
 class JavaThrowCmd
 class JavaTryCmd
          This class implements the built-in "java::try" command.
 class ReflectObject
          A ReflectObject is used to create and access arbitrary Java objects using the Java Reflection API.
 class UnsupportedJDetachCallCmd
          This command is the only means to safely call a blocking Java method like a modal AWT dialog box.

Uses of Command in tcl.pkg.tjc

Classes in tcl.pkg.tjc that implement Command
 class JaclLoadTJCCmd
          This class implements a small helper function that is used to load the TJC package into Jacl without requiring that the Java package be loaded into Jacl.
static class TJC.CompiledCommand
 class TJCBench
 class TJCCommandCmd
 class TJCCompileCmd
 class TJCPackageCmd

Methods in tcl.pkg.tjc with parameters of type Command
static void TJC.invoke(Interp interp, Command cmd, TclObject[] objv, int flags)

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