Package tcl.lang.cmd

Class Summary
ApplyCmd Implementation of the [apply] command.
ArrayCmd This class implements the built-in "array" command in Tcl.
BinaryCmd This class implements the built-in "binary" command in Tcl.
BreakCmd This class implements the built-in "break" command in Tcl.
CaseCmd This class implements the built-in "case" command in Tcl.
CatchCmd This class implements the built-in "catch" command in Tcl.
ClockCmd This class implements the built-in "clock" command in Tcl.
CloseCmd This class implements the built-in "close" command in Tcl.
ConcatCmd This class implements the built-in "concat" command in Tcl.
ContinueCmd This class implements the built-in "continue" command in Tcl.
DictCmd This class implements the built-in "dict" command in Tcl.
EncodingCmd This class implements the built-in "encoding" command in Tcl.
EofCmd This class implements the built-in "eof" command in Tcl.
ErrorCmd This class implements the built-in "error" command in Tcl.
EvalCmd This class implements the built-in "eval" command in Tcl.
ExecCmd This class implements the built-in "exec" command in Tcl.
ExitCmd This class implements the built-in "exit" command in Tcl.
ExprCmd This class implements the built-in "expr" command in Tcl.
FblockedCmd This class implements the built-in "fblocked" command in Tcl.
FconfigureCmd This class implements the built-in "fconfigure" command in Tcl.
FcopyCmd This class implements the 'fcopy' Tcl command
FileCmd This class implements the built-in "file" command in Tcl.
FileeventCmd This class implements Tcl's 'fileevent' command.
FlushCmd This class implements the built-in "flush" command in Tcl.
ForCmd This class implements the built-in "for" command in Tcl.
ForeachCmd This class implements the built-in "Foreach" command in Tcl.
FormatCmd This class implements the built-in "format" command in Tcl.
GetsCmd This class implements the built-in "gets" command in Tcl.
GlobalCmd This class implements the built-in "global" command in Tcl.
IncrCmd This class implements the built-in "incr" command in Tcl.
InfoCmd This class implements the built-in "info" command in Tcl.
InterpAliasCmd This class implements the alias commands, which are created in response to the built-in "interp alias" command in Tcl.
InterpCmd This class implements the built-in "interp" command in Tcl.
InterpSlaveCmd This class implements the slave interpreter commands, which are created in response to the built-in "interp create" command in Tcl.
JoinCmd This class implements the built-in "join" command in Tcl.
LappendCmd This class implements the built-in "lappend" command in Tcl.
LassignCmd This class implements the built-in "lassign" command in Tcl.
LinsertCmd This class implements the built-in "linsert" command in Tcl.
ListCmd This class implements the built-in "list" command in Tcl.
LlengthCmd This class implements the built-in "llength" command in Tcl.
LrangeCmd This class implements the built-in "lrange" command in Tcl.
LrepeatCmd This class implements the built-in "lrepeat" command in Tcl.
LreplaceCmd This class implements the built-in "lreplace" command in Tcl.
LreverseCmd This class implements the built-in "lreverse" command in Tcl.
LsetCmd This class implements the built-in "lset" command in Tcl 8.4.19
NamespaceCmd This class implements the built-in "namespace" command in Tcl.
OpenCmd This class implements the built-in "open" command in Tcl.
PidCmd implement TCL 'pid' command.
ProcCmd This class implements the built-in "proc" command in Tcl.
PutsCmd This class implements the built-in "puts" command in Tcl.
ReadCmd This class implements the built-in "read" command in Tcl.
RegexpCmd This class implements the built-in "regexp" command in Tcl.
RegsubCmd This class implements the built-in "regsub" command in Tcl.
RenameCmd This class implements the built-in "rename" command in Tcl.
ScanCmd This class implements the built-in "scan" command in Tcl.
SeekCmd This class implements the built-in "seek" command in Tcl.
SocketCmd This class implements the built-in "socket" command in Tcl.
SourceCmd This class implements the built-in "source" command in Tcl.
SplitCmd This class implements the built-in "split" command in Tcl.
StringCmd This class implements the built-in "string" command in Tcl.
SubstCmd This class implements the built-in "subst" command in Tcl.
SwitchCmd This class implements the built-in "switch" command in Tcl.
TellCmd This class implements the built-in "tell" command in Tcl.
TimeCmd This class implements the built-in "time" command in Tcl.
TraceCmd The TraceCmd class implements the Command interface for specifying a new Tcl command.
UnsetCmd This class implements the built-in "unset" command in Tcl.
UpvarCmd This class implements the built-in "upvar" command in Tcl.
VariableCmd This class implements the built-in "variable" command in Tcl.
WhileCmd This class implements the built-in "while" command in Tcl.

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