Class ReadInputStreamChannel

  extended by
      extended by

public class ReadInputStreamChannel
extends Channel

The ReadInputStreamChannel class is a bridge between existing Java InputStream objects and Tcl channels.

Field Summary
Fields inherited from class
blocking, buffering, bufferSize, encoding, eofInputFilter, eofOutputFilter, eolInputFilter, eolOutputFilter, finalInputStream, finalReader, firstOutputStream, firstWriter, inputBuffer, inputEofChar, inputTranslation, markableInputStream, mode, nonBlockingOutputStream, outputBuffer, outputEofChar, outputTranslation, rawInputStream, rawOutputStream, READ_OWNERSHIP, refCount, unicodeDecoder, unicodeEncoder, WRITE_OWNERSHIP
Constructor Summary
ReadInputStreamChannel(Interp interp, InputStream in_stream)
          Constructor - creates a new ReadInputStreamChannel object that will read from the passed in InputStream.
Method Summary
protected  InputStream getInputStream()
          This method should be overridden in the subclass to provide a channel specific InputStream object.
protected  OutputStream getOutputStream()
          This method should be overridden in the subclass to provide a channel specific OutputStream object.
Methods inherited from class
checkRead, checkWrite, close, eof, flush, getBlocking, getBuffering, getBufferSize, getChanName, getEncoding, getInputEofChar, getInputTranslation, getOutputEofChar, getOutputTranslation, initInput, initOutput, isBlocked, isClosed, isReadOnly, isReadWrite, isWriteOnly, read, seek, setBlocking, setBuffering, setBufferSize, setEncoding, setInputEofChar, setInputTranslation, setOutputEofChar, setOutputTranslation, setOwnership, setOwnership, tell, waitForOwnership, write, write
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ReadInputStreamChannel(Interp interp,
                              InputStream in_stream)
Constructor - creates a new ReadInputStreamChannel object that will read from the passed in InputStream.

Method Detail


protected InputStream getInputStream()
                              throws IOException
Description copied from class: Channel
This method should be overridden in the subclass to provide a channel specific InputStream object.

Specified by:
getInputStream in class Channel


protected OutputStream getOutputStream()
                                throws IOException
Description copied from class: Channel
This method should be overridden in the subclass to provide a channel specific OutputStream object.

Specified by:
getOutputStream in class Channel

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