Uses of Class

Packages that use Namespace

Uses of Namespace in tcl.lang

Fields in tcl.lang declared as Namespace
 Namespace Namespace.GetNamespaceForQualNameResult.actualCxt
 Namespace Namespace.GetNamespaceForQualNameResult.altNs
 Namespace Var.ns
          Reference to the namespace that contains this variable.
 Namespace WrappedCommand.ns
          The namespace where the command is located
 Namespace CallFrame.ns
          The Namespace this CallFrame is executing in.
 Namespace Namespace.ResolvedNsName.ns
          Reference to the namespace object
 Namespace Namespace.GetNamespaceForQualNameResult.ns
 Namespace Namespace.parent
          reference to the namespace that contains this one.
 Namespace Namespace.ResolvedNsName.refNs
          reference to the namespace containing the reference (not the namespace that contains the referenced namespace).

Fields in tcl.lang with type parameters of type Namespace
 HashMap<String,Namespace> Namespace.childTable
          Contains any child namespaces.

Methods in tcl.lang that return Namespace
static Namespace Namespace.createNamespace(Interp interp, String name, Namespace.DeleteProc deleteProc)
          Creates a new namespace with the given name.
static Namespace Namespace.findNamespace(Interp interp, String name, Namespace contextNs, int flags)
          Searches for a namespace.
static Namespace Namespace.getCurrentNamespace(Interp interp)
          Returns a reference to an interpreter's currently active namespace.
static Namespace Namespace.getGlobalNamespace(Interp interp)
          Returns a reference to an interpreter's global :: namespace.

Methods in tcl.lang with parameters of type Namespace
static void Namespace.appendExportList(Interp interp, Namespace namespace, TclObject obj)
          Appends onto the argument object the list of export patterns for the specified namespace.
static void Namespace.deleteNamespace(Namespace namespace)
          Deletes a namespace and all of the commands, variables, and other namespaces within it.
static void Namespace.exportList(Interp interp, Namespace namespace, String pattern, boolean resetListFirst)
          Makes all the commands matching a pattern available to later be imported from the namespace specified by namespace (or the current namespace if namespace is null).
static WrappedCommand Namespace.findCommand(Interp interp, String name, Namespace contextNs, int flags)
          Tcl_FindCommand -> findCommand Searches for a command.
static Namespace Namespace.findNamespace(Interp interp, String name, Namespace contextNs, int flags)
          Searches for a namespace.
static Var Namespace.findNamespaceVar(Interp interp, String name, Namespace contextNs, int flags)
static void Namespace.forgetImport(Interp interp, Namespace namespace, String pattern)
          Deletes previously imported commands.
static void ns)
static void Namespace.getNamespaceForQualName(Interp interp, String qualName, Namespace cxtNs, int flags, Namespace.GetNamespaceForQualNameResult gnfqnr)
static void Namespace.importList(Interp interp, Namespace namespace, String pattern, boolean allowOverwrite)
          Imports all of the commands matching a pattern into the namespace specified by namespace (or the current namespace if namespace is null).
static void Namespace.pushCallFrame(Interp interp, CallFrame frame, Namespace namespace, boolean isProcCallFrame)
 WrappedCommand Resolver.resolveCmd(Interp interp, String name, Namespace context, int flags)
 Var Resolver.resolveVar(Interp interp, String name, Namespace context, int flags)
static void Namespace.setNamespaceResolver(Namespace namespace, Resolver resolver)
          ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Tcl_SetNamespaceResolvers -> setNamespaceResolver Sets the command/variable resolution object for a namespace, thereby changing the way that command/variable names are interpreted.

Constructors in tcl.lang with parameters of type Namespace
Procedure(Interp interp, Namespace ns, String name, TclObject args, TclObject b, String sFileName, int sLineNumber)

Uses of Namespace in tcl.lang.cmd

Fields in tcl.lang.cmd declared as Namespace
 Namespace ProcCmd.FindCommandNamespaceResult.ns

Uses of Namespace in tcl.pkg.itcl

Methods in tcl.pkg.itcl that return Namespace
static Namespace ItclAccess.getCallFrameNamespace(CallFrame frame)

Methods in tcl.pkg.itcl with parameters of type Namespace
static void ItclAccess.createCommonVar(Var var, String key, Namespace ns, HashMap table)
static void ItclAccess.createObjVar(Var var, String key, Namespace ns, HashMap table)
static Procedure ItclAccess.newProcedure(Interp interp, Namespace ns, String name, TclObject args, TclObject b, String sFileName, int sLineNumber)

Uses of Namespace in tcl.pkg.tjc

Methods in tcl.pkg.tjc with parameters of type Namespace
static CallFrame TJC.pushLocalCallFrame(Interp interp, Namespace ns)

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