Uses of Class

Packages that use Channel

Uses of Channel in tcl.lang

Fields in tcl.lang with type parameters of type Channel
 HashMap<String,Channel> Interp.interpChanTable
          Table of channels currently registered in this interp.

Methods in tcl.lang that return Channel
static Channel TclIO.getChannel(Interp interp, String chanName)
          Return a registered Channel object, given its name.
static Channel TclIO.getStdChannel(int type)

Methods in tcl.lang with parameters of type Channel
static void TclIO.registerChannel(Interp interp, Channel chan)
          Register a channel in this interpreter's channel table.
static void TclIO.unregisterChannel(Interp interp, Channel chan)
          Unregister a channel and it's FileEventScripts in this interpreter's channel table, and call close() on that channel.

Uses of Channel in

Subclasses of Channel in
 class AbstractSocketChannel
          This abstract class allows fconfigure to query information about a socket channel
 class FileChannel
          Subclass of the abstract class SeekableChannel.
 class PipelineChannel
          This class provides a Channel view of a Pipeline object
 class ReadInputStreamChannel
          The ReadInputStreamChannel class is a bridge between existing Java InputStream objects and Tcl channels.
 class ResourceChannel
          Subclass of the abstract class Channel.
 class SeekableChannel
          Subclass of Channel that supports seeking
 class ServerSocketChannel
          The ServerSocketChannel class implements a channel object for ServerSocket connections, created using the socket -server command.
 class SocketChannel
          The SocketChannel class implements a channel object for Socket connections, created using the socket command.
 class StdChannel
          Subclass of the abstract class Channel.
 class TclByteArrayChannel
          Read and write channel for byte arrays, in the form of TclObjects

Methods in with parameters of type Channel
static void FileEventScript.dispose(Interp interp, Channel channel, int type)
          Remove a FileEventScript, and hence all FileEvents, if it exists
static FileEventScript FileEventScript.find(Interp interp, Channel channel, int type)
          Find a FileEventScript if it exists
static void FileEvent.queueFileEvent(Interp interp, Channel channel, int type)
          Create a new FileEvent and add it to the TclEvent queue.
static void FileEventScript.register(Interp interp, Channel channel, int type, TclObject script)
          Create a FileEventScript, and register it in the interpreter, and queue the first FileEvent

Constructors in with parameters of type Channel
Fcopy(Interp interp, Channel source, Channel destination, long size, String callback)
          Create a new Fcopy object.

Uses of Channel in tcl.lang.process

Fields in tcl.lang.process declared as Channel
protected  Channel
          The Channel object, for TCL_CHANNEL redirects

Constructors in tcl.lang.process with parameters of type Channel
Redirect(Channel channel, boolean close)
          Create a Tcl Channel redirect

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