Uses of Class

Packages that use ExprValue

Uses of ExprValue in tcl.lang

Methods in tcl.lang that return ExprValue
 ExprValue Expression.grabExprValue()

Methods in tcl.lang with parameters of type ExprValue
static void Expression.evalBinaryOperator(Interp interp, int operator, ExprValue value, ExprValue value2)
 void Expression.evalMathFunction(Interp interp, String funcName, ExprValue[] values, boolean releaseValues, ExprValue result)
          This procedure will lookup and invoke a math function given the name of the function and an array of ExprValue arguments.
 void Expression.evalMathFunction(Interp interp, String funcName, ExprValue[] values, boolean releaseValues, ExprValue result)
          This procedure will lookup and invoke a math function given the name of the function and an array of ExprValue arguments.
static void Expression.evalUnaryOperator(Interp interp, int operator, ExprValue value)
static void Expression.ExprParseObject(Interp interp, TclObject obj, ExprValue value)
          Given a TclObject, such as the result of a command or variable evaluation, fill in a ExprValue with the parsed result.
static void Expression.ExprParseString(Interp interp, TclObject obj, ExprValue value)
          TclParseNumber -> ExprParseString Given a TclObject that contains a String to be parsed (from a command or variable subst), fill in an ExprValue based on the string's numeric value.
 void ExprValue.optIntPlus(ExprValue value2)
 void Expression.releaseExprValue(ExprValue val)
 void ExprValue.setValue(ExprValue value2)

Uses of ExprValue in tcl.pkg.tjc

Methods in tcl.pkg.tjc that return ExprValue
static ExprValue TJC.exprGetValue(Interp interp)
static ExprValue TJC.exprGetValue(Interp interp, boolean bval)
static ExprValue TJC.exprGetValue(Interp interp, double dval, String srep)
static ExprValue TJC.exprGetValue(Interp interp, long ival, String srep)
static ExprValue TJC.exprGetValue(Interp interp, String srep)
static ExprValue TJC.exprGetValue(Interp interp, TclObject tobj)

Methods in tcl.pkg.tjc with parameters of type ExprValue
static void TJC.exprBinaryOperator(Interp interp, int op, ExprValue value, ExprValue value2)
static void TJC.exprDoubleMathFunction(Interp interp, ExprValue value)
static void TJC.exprEqualsEmptyString(ExprValue value, TclObject obj, boolean negate)
static void TJC.exprInitValue(Interp interp, ExprValue value, TclObject tobj)
static void TJC.exprIntMathFunction(Interp interp, ExprValue value)
static void TJC.exprMathFunction(Interp interp, String funcName, ExprValue[] values, ExprValue result)
static void TJC.exprMathFunction(Interp interp, String funcName, ExprValue[] values, ExprValue result)
static void TJC.exprReleaseValue(Interp interp, ExprValue value)
static void TJC.exprSetResult(Interp interp, ExprValue value)
static void TJC.exprUnaryNotOperator(Interp interp, ExprValue value)
static void TJC.exprUnaryNotOperator(Interp interp, ExprValue value, TclObject tobj)
static void TJC.exprUnaryNotOperatorKnownInt(ExprValue value, TclObject tobj)
static void TJC.exprUnaryOperator(Interp interp, int op, ExprValue value)

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