Uses of Class

Packages that use CallFrame

Uses of CallFrame in tcl.lang

Fields in tcl.lang declared as CallFrame
 CallFrame CallFrame.caller
          Value of interp.frame when this procedure was invoked (i.e.
 CallFrame CallFrame.callerVar
          Value of interp.varFrame when this procedure was invoked (i.e.
 CallFrame Interp.frame
          Points to top-most in stack of all nested procedure invocations.
 CallFrame Interp.varFrame
          Points to the call frame whose variables are currently in use (same as frame unless an "uplevel" command is being executed).

Methods in tcl.lang that return CallFrame
 CallFrame Interp.newCallFrame()
          Creates a new callframe.
protected  CallFrame Interp.newCallFrame(Procedure proc, TclObject[] objv)
          Creates a new callframe.

Methods in tcl.lang with parameters of type CallFrame
static int CallFrame.getFrame(Interp interp, String string, CallFrame[] frameArr)
          Tcl_GetFrame -> getFrame Given a description of a procedure frame, such as the first argument to an "uplevel" or "upvar" command, locate the call frame for the appropriate level of procedure.
static void Var.makeUpvar(Interp interp, CallFrame frame, String otherP1, String otherP2, int otherFlags, String myName, int myFlags, int localIndex)
          MakeUpvar -> makeUpvar Create a reference of a variable in otherFrame in the current CallFrame, given a two-part name consisting of array name and element within array.
static void Namespace.pushCallFrame(Interp interp, CallFrame frame, Namespace namespace, boolean isProcCallFrame)

Uses of CallFrame in tcl.pkg.itcl

Methods in tcl.pkg.itcl that return CallFrame
static CallFrame ItclAccess.activateCallFrame(Interp interp, CallFrame frame)
static CallFrame ItclAccess.getCallFrame(Interp interp, int level)
static CallFrame ItclAccess.getVarFrame(Interp i)
static CallFrame ItclAccess.newCallFrame(Interp i)

Methods in tcl.pkg.itcl with parameters of type CallFrame
static CallFrame ItclAccess.activateCallFrame(Interp interp, CallFrame frame)
static void ItclAccess.assignLocalVar(Interp interp, String name, TclObject val, CallFrame frame)
static Namespace ItclAccess.getCallFrameNamespace(CallFrame frame)
static TclObject[] ItclAccess.getCallFrameObjv(CallFrame frame)
static HashMap ItclAccess.getVarTable(CallFrame frame)
static boolean ItclAccess.isProcCallFrame(CallFrame frame)
static void ItclAccess.setCallFrameObjv(CallFrame frame, TclObject[] objv)
static void ItclAccess.setProcCallFrameFalse(CallFrame frame)
static void ItclAccess.setVarTable(CallFrame frame, HashMap table)

Uses of CallFrame in tcl.pkg.tjc

Methods in tcl.pkg.tjc that return CallFrame
static CallFrame TJC.pushLocalCallFrame(Interp interp, Namespace ns)

Methods in tcl.pkg.tjc with parameters of type CallFrame
static Var[] TJC.initCompiledLocals(CallFrame frame, int size, String[] names)
static void TJC.popLocalCallFrame(Interp interp, CallFrame frame)

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