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parse(n) 1.4 doc "Parse a Tcl script into commands, words, and tokens"


parse - System to control logging of events.

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This command parses a Tcl script into commands, words and tokens. Each of the commands below takes a script to parse and a range into the script: {first last}. The command parses the script from the first index up to and including the last index. The return of each command is a list of tuples indicating the ranges of each sub-element. Use the returned indices as arguments to parse getstring to extract the parsed string from the script.

The parse command breaks up the script into sequentially smaller elements. A script contains one or more commands. A command is a set of words that is terminated by a semicolon, newline or end the of the script and has no unclosed quotes, braces, brackets or array element names. A word is a set of characters grouped together by whitespace, quotes, braces or brackets. Each word is composed of one or more tokens. A token is one of the following types: text, variable, backslash, command, expr, or operator. The type of token specifies how to decompose the string further. For example, a text token is a literal set of characters that does not need to be broken into smaller pieces. However, the variable token needs to be broken into smaller pieces to separate the name of the variable from an array indices, if one is supplied.

The first and last indices are treated the same way as the indices in the Tcl string command. An index of 0 refers to the first character of the string. An index of end (or any abbreviation of it) refers to the last character of the string. If first is less than zero then it is treated as if it were zero, and if last is greater than or equal to the length of the string then it is treated as if it were end. If first is greater than last then an empty string is returned.

parse command script [arg first] [arg last]

Returns a list of indices that partitions the script into commands. This routine returns a list of the following form: commentRange commandRange restRange parseTree. The first range refers to any leading comments before the command. The second range refers to the command itself. The third range contains the remainder of the original range that appears after the command range. The parseTree is a list representation of the parse tree where each node is a list in the form: type range subTree.

parse expr script [arg first] [arg last]

Returns a list that partitions an expression into subexpressions. The first element of the list is the token type, subexpr, followed by the range of the expressions text, and finally by a subTree with the words and types of the parse tree.

parse varname script [arg first] [arg last]

Returns a list that partitions a variable token into words. The first element of the list is the token type, variable. The second is the range of the variable's text, and the third is a subTree that lists the words and ranges of the variable's components.

parse subcommand script first last

Returns a list of indices that partitions a subcommand token into words. The first element in the list is the beginning index of the subcommand token, and the second element in the list is the end index of the subcommand token. The pattern is repeated for each subcommand token in the script. The first index must point to the character '[' and the last index must point to the ']' character otherwise the command will return an empty string. Each of the partitioned strings should be parsed further by using the parse token command.

parse list script [arg first] [arg last]

Parses a script as a list, returning the range of each element. script must be a valid list, or an error will be generated.

parse getrange string ?index length?

Gets the range in bytes of string, optionally beginning at ?index? of length ?length? (both in characters). Equivalent to string bytelength.

parse getstring string [arg first] [arg last]

Get the section of string that corresponds to the specified range (in bytes). Note that this command must be used instead of string range with values returned from the parse commands, because the values are in bytes, and string range instead uses characters as its units.

parse charindex string [arg first] [arg last]

Converts byte oriented index values into character oriented index values, for the string in question.

parse charlength string [arg first] [arg last]

Converts the given byte length into a character count, for the string in question.


set script {
    while true {puts [getupdate]}
parse command $script {0 end}


{0 0} {5 30} {35 0} {{simple {5 5} {{text {5 5} {}}}} {simple {11 4} {{text {11 4} {}}}} {simple {16 18} {{text {17 16} {}}}}}

Or in other words, a string with no comments, 30 bytes long, beginning at byte 5. It is composed of a series of subwords, which include while, true, and {puts [getupdate]}.


parse, parser