
Ziplib reads and writes ZIP and JAR files. ZIP files are stream based. None of the procedures in this package close the zipin or zipout objects, so the programmer should close the zip stream after processing. Note that the objects returned by ::ziplib::openInputZip and ::ziplib::openOutputZip are java objects, not Tcl channels.

See also:


Include the ziplib package in Tcl source files:

    package require ziplib

Ziplib Commands


::ziplib::openInputZip fileName

Open the fileName for reading and return a object. A Tcl error is thrown if the file is not found, or if the file is not a valid ZIP or JAR file. Note that the object returned by ::ziplib::openInputZip should be closed after processing the zip stream.


::ziplib::openOutputZip fileName

Open the fileName for writing and return a object. A Tcl error is thrown if the file could not be opened. Any existing file is overwritten. Note that the object returned by ::ziplib::openOutputZip should be closed after processing the zip stream.


::ziplib::openOutputZip zipin zipout ?excludeReList?

Copy a ZIP file to another file. zipin must be an object returned by ::ziplib::openInputZip; zipout must be an object returned by ::ziplib::openOutputZip. excludeReList is an optional Tcl list of regular expressions. If any regular expression matches a ZIP entry, that entry is not copied to the output zip.


::ziplib::unzipToDir zipin dir

Unzip a ZIP archive to a directory. zipin must be an object returned by ::ziplib::openInputZip. dir is the name of a directory to which files are written. If dir does not exists, it will be created.


::ziplib::zipFromDir zipout dir ?zipTopLevel?

Recursively writes the contents of a directory into a zip file. zipout must be an object returned by ::ziplib::openOutputZip. dir is the name of a directory, which must exist. zipTopLevel is an optional directory that specifies the top level directory entry of the zip file.


::ziplib:: mkZipFile zipout fileName

Make a new file entry in the zip file. zipout must be an object returned by ::ziplib::openOutputZip. fileName is the name of the new file entry. The zipout may be use to write file data after performing this procedure.


::ziplib::mkZipDir zipout dirName

Make a new directory entry in the zip file. zipout must be an object returned by ::ziplib::openOutputZip. dirName is the name of the new directory entry.


::ziplib::copyStream in out

Copies the bytes from an input stream to an output stream. in is a Java object that supports the read method. out is a Java object that support the write method. in is typically FileInputStream or ZipInputStream objects, out is typically FileOutputStream or ZipOutStream objects.


::ziplib::getClassLocation class

Returns the location of a class, typically used to find which JAR file or directory from which a class was loaded. If the location is a JAR or directory, that pathname of the location is return, otherwise, the location is prefixed with a URI resource type (e.g., "xxx:") denoting the class was loaded from other than a file or JAR.


Copy a zip file to a new file

    package require ziplib

    set zipin  [::ziplib::openInputZip]
    set zipout [::ziplib::openOutputZip]
    ::ziplib::copyZip $zipin $zipout
    $zipin close
    $zipout close

Print all of the file and directory entries from a zip file

    package require ziplib

    set zipin  [::ziplib::openInputZip]
    while {! [java::isnull [set entry [$zipin getNextEntry]]] } {
        puts [$entry getName]
    $zipin close

Write zip file entries

    package require ziplib

    set zipout  [::ziplib::openOutputZip]

    set bytes [[java::new String "hello world from JTcl and ziplib\n"] getBytes]
    ::ziplib::mkZipFile $zipout  hello-world.txt
    $zipout write $bytes

    set bytes [[java::new String "another file\n"] getBytes]
    ::ziplib::mkZipDir $zipout  sub-dir
    ::ziplib::mkZipFile $zipout  sub-dir/other-file.txt
    $zipout write $bytes

    $zipout close

Read a zip file entry

    package require ziplib

    set zipin  [::ziplib::openInputZip]
    set buf [java::new {byte[]} 32768]
    while { ! [java::isnull [set entry [$zipin getNextEntry]]] } {
        # only print entries with a ".txt" suffix
        if { [regexp {.txt$} [$entry getName]] }  {
            puts "\ncontents of [$entry getName]"
            puts "-----------------------"
            while { [set bytesRead [$zipin read $buf]] > 0 } {
                set str [java::new {String byte[] int int} $buf 0 $bytesRead]
                puts -nonewline [$str toString]
            puts "\n-----------------------"
        } else {
            puts "skipping entry: [$entry getName]"
    $zipin close

Find the JAR file that contains the JTcl Interp class

    package require ziplib

    puts [::ziplib::getClassLocation [java::getinterp]]